Karan Naik

Karan Naik

Software Developer | ML/Data Science Enthusiast | Graduate Student Research Assistant at CSULB

About Me

Computer Science graduate with more than 4 years of experience in Software Development and 1 year in Machine Learning & Data Science. Actively seeking full-time opportunities which will utilize my expertise in designing and developing user interface, backend, front-end of the application by integrating machine learning models.

Languages like Java, Python, SQL, PHP which became the underlying basis of my interest, leading to a variety of additional courses such as Android Development, Java Certification, Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, AWS thus creating a vast knowledge base.

The following highlights my experience and abilities:
- More than 10 apps on the Google Play Store
- Machine Learning model for American Sign Language Project. Check out Video here!
- Developed desktop and mobile application for the Indian government using PHP, Java, Android, SQL
- Trained around 150 employees on Software Development at Syntel Pvt. Ltd.
- Maintained documentation for all projects at V.F. Labs Pvt. Ltd.
- Certifications in Java, Android, C
- Developed an email client application from scratch (similar to Gmail, Outlook)

Work Experience

California State University - Graduate Research Assistant (Sept 2017 - Present)

• IR&A enhances campus decision-making and planning in areas such as admissions, financial aid, curriculum, enrollment management, staffing, student life, athletics, and alumni relations by collecting, analyzing and reporting institutional data.
• IR&A is also responsible for university compliance with mandated data requests from the California State University Office of the Chancellor, as well as the State and Federal governments.

Virtual Future Labs - Technical Team Lead (Mar 2016 – June 2017)

• Worked on below applications in the team of 10 people, (5 front-end developer, 3 back-end developers, 2 Testers):

1. FAUJ: Fauj is a mobile (Android & IOS) application, which helps to manage any company’s sales force, by giving them various functionalities according to the hierarchies set.

2. SalesKraft: Warehouse Management System, is a web application which has been developed specifically for CNF (Carry and Forward) agents, which manages their day-to-day operations and reduces the manpower required.

3. Blogish: It is a web and mobile application for schools, which covers various functionalities.

4. Ebex: Worked on Blockchain app.

Syntel Pvt. Ltd. - Software Developer II (Oct 2014 – Mar 2016)

• Below are the highlights of my achievements in Syntel:

• Won a Kudos award for best performance in MDM project
• Trained around 150 employees on Android App Development
• Developed Mobile device management system, which handles the core functionalities of android mobile hardware
• Developed an Email client that was adapted as the default email client for Android and iOS devices for management of corporate email
• Onsite project requirements for the client, American Express

Hardcastle Pvt. Ltd. - Trainee, Software Developer (Mar 2014 - Oct 2014)

• This is a company where I started my journey towards my dream:
• Designed and developed an android application named ‘Pune Traffic App’, for the Indian government
• Project on ‘Women Safety’, with GPS tracking functionalities
• Participated in National Social Service and helped in event management
• Project requirement gathering from the Government officials by visiting on-site

Other Projects

Search Engine Technology

Search engines have incomparable economic values which make all the search engine tools provider improve their search engine constantly and evolve with the dynamic nature of data and information need of the user. The relevance of the result which we get from a specific search engine is user specific and with user satisfaction which is difficult to measure. To come up with good measures we need to evaluate the measure on the different set of queries with different relevance and information need. Buckley and Voorhees (2000) compare several evaluation measures and discuss the way to create the Training dataset and Test dataset and the stability of different measures based of varying search engine parameters like a number of query sets and the number of documents needed. On similar lines, we have developed the search engine on training dataset which has both Boolean and Ranked retrieval capabilities and four different ranking algorithms.

Techniques Implemented:
- tf-idf (term frequency)
- The weight of the document in the corpus
- The weight of the term in a document
- The weight of the query in a document
- Precision@K
- Recall@K
- Average Precision
- Mean Average Precision
- The throughput of the search engine
- Comparison between Okapi BM25, tf-idf, Wacky formulas

- IntelliJ IDEA
- B+tree external library
- Corpus used was from the internet

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American Sign Language Detection

American Sign Language is developed with hand gestures, facial expression, and motion. In this report, we present the way to detect the alphabets and digits by using Deep Convolution Neural Network. We also propose to use the pre-defined Deep Neural Network and compare the accuracy of AlexNet and VGG16 Net. We propose the implementation of the application to take the video of hand gestures and detect the alphabet and digits with an accuracy of approximately 98%. The proposed methodology is scalable and extendable to have multiple classification classes. The proposed methodology is flexible for taking input with a variety of RGB image sizes. The classification procedure is followed by pre-processing of images to extract reliable feature and remove noise if any.

Tools used:
- numpy
- scikit-learn
- sklearn
- Tensorflow-gpu
- Keras
- Opencv-python
- IntelliJ Pycharm
- Jupyter Notebook

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EBX is an app for Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Ripple, etc.
Learning Outcome – 1) Insights of how a Blockchain works. 2) Handling of multiple crypto-currencies.

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Sales Kraft

Sales Kraft is the Sales Team Automation System automatically records all the stages in a sales process. Sales Kraft includes a contact management system which tracks all contact that has been made with a given customer the purpose of the contact and any follow up that may be needed. This ensures that sales efforts are not duplicated Sales Kraft tracks the sales person and also gives him his tour plan for the day. Setting targets and objectives based on inputs SALES KRAFT is software that automatically records all stage in a sales process.
Sales Kraft Includes a contact management system which tracks all contact that has been made. Sales Kraft Track the Sales Person and also gives him his Tour Plan for the day Setting targets and objective based on inputs Many salespersons are always on the go.

• My Task: To develop an app for a salesperson to keep his daily aims, activities, targets on track.
• Learning Outcome – 1) Insights of how a sales company works. 2) Handling one user on multiple devices.

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Syntel Email

• Brief Description – Syntel Email was adapted to become default email client for Android and iOS devices for management of corporate email in Syntel. It shows your emails with notifications, similar to Microsoft Outlook and Gmail. It stores and manages Calendar events, meetings, appointments. It supports auto-sync and manual-sync feature to sync mail with the support of Syntel MDM Authentication Model.
• Learning Outcome –
1) Worked with the team to design the basic architecture of the application.
2) Learned security aspects of MNC organization while developing this application.

Mobile Device Management

• Description - Mobile device management (MDM) is the administrative area dealing with deploying, securing, monitoring, integrating and managing mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets and laptops, in the workplace. The intent of MDM is to optimize the functionality and security of mobile devices within the enterprise, while simultaneously protecting the corporate network.
• Learning Outcome - Working with the core functionalities of mobile device. (Controlling the hardware of the device).

Pune Traffic App

This app is a mobile application for the safety of citizens.
Learning Outcome –1) Interacting with the client face to face. 2) Worked with the government for people safety.

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Goa Must Go

‘Goa Must Go’ is an app developed by a team who love Goa and it is their intent to provide information & suggestions on the ‘Must Go’ places of Goa.
Features of Goa: Must Go
• Complete information on the attractive tourist attractions with photos and maps
• Phone numbers, email addresses, driving directions of businesses and tourist attractions
- Beaches
- Hotels
- Restaurants
- Night Clubs
- Shacks
• Emergency services
- Hospitals - Ambulance Services
- Police
- Airlines
- Railway
- Foreign Consulate Office
• One Touch Search feature to find the best places right next to you, when you are in Goa.

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